Introduction To C-Sharp.Net Basics

First of all, we have a tendency to discuss the c# language the .Net framework , Microsoft includes a brand new language that is C-sharp. C-sharp is meant to be a straightforward, modern, all-purpose, object-oriented language. C# may, in theory, be compiled to computer code, however, in reality additionally, it is often employed in combination with the .NET framework. Therefore, applications written in C-sharp needs the .NET framework to be put in on the PC running the applying. WHAT IS C-Sharp LANGUAGE ? C-sharp is a vital object-oriented programing language that helps developers to form associate software application that runs on the dotNet framework. Its syntax is definitely understood, it’s kind safe in truth the code will access associate degree object that has been typewritten and allowed and thus cannot browse values from non-public fields and another object. MEMORY MANAGEMENT IN C-Sharp WHAT IS DATA TYPE? A data type is employed to form va...